Emergency Assistance Plus
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EA+ Kept Their Promise.

Evelyn M., Arizona

Published on September 5th, 2024

My husband, Jim, and I were on the last leg of our 4-month world cruise on Holland America. We were visiting Cadiz, Spain before crossing the Atlantic back to Fort Lauderdale. We were celebrating our adventure with friends at dinner, when Jim said he did not feel good and decided to go to Medical Dept on the ship. I checked on Jim after dinner and was told we were to disembark in Cadiz early the next morning. Jim’s heart was racing – it was his first AFib attack.  

I wondered what I needed to do. Jim was heavily medicated and in no condition to help me figure out what needed doing. The Holland staff let me use ship’s telephone to call Emergency Assistance Plus. The next morning, Jim and I were transported by ambulance to a small hospital in Cadiz, Spain. 

The hospital in Cadiz was small and English was limited. I called EA+ and reported our situation. EA+ assured us they would help us communicate with hospital staff and get us back to our home in Phoenix, AZ. EA+ kept their promise. I spoke with EA+ staff daily with updates on Jim’s condition. After 4 days in the Cadiz hospital (fortunately I spent the nights with Jim in hospital), Jim was discharged.

EA+ arranged a cab to a hotel in Cadiz in preparation for the next day’s flight to Phoenix. EA+ arranged for transport to the airport and flight home. EA+ paid for everything. I do not want to think about the problems we would have faced without EA+.

We are grateful for EA+.  I never want to be without EA+ protection, therefore I schedule annual automatic payments. I have referred others to EA+. I am glad to have the opportunity to talk about EA+. EA+ provides exceptional service. 

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The stories herein are true member experiences. The names of the individuals and certain details have been changed to protect member privacy. EA+ offers a variety of membership plans with different service levels. The services described are based on the specific EA+ membership plan that these members purchased. Please review your Member Guide carefully to understand all services available to you, as well as any rules and regulations.